Friday, January 1, 2016

Inquisitor Series chosen for the 2015 Standout Awards by One Book Two

I had plans, this post was going to be all about important things; how my year went, my travails in marketing, Calvin the Helper Dog's death.

And then I got an email.

Hi Lincoln!

Tomorrow, One Book Two (book review blog) will post the 2015 Standout Awards. This award lets the One Book Two Reviewers honor those professionals who have given us a truly exceptional reading experience.

Nell is choosing to honor the Inquisitor series. Here's what the page will say:
The Inquisitor Series by Lincoln Farish. Again, the cover art is above par. The author is seriously talented with telling a story and the protagonist isn’t aware of his own talent. It’s a difficult to explain how wrapped up in this character’s life I became. I didn’t fall in love with Sebastian like I did Yancy, but I rooted for him. He is one tough hombre that gets kicked when he’s down more often than not.

The full write up for both books, Junior Inquisitor and Soulless Monk can be found here -
Instead of doing a massive blog about how my year went, I'm going to bask in this coolness. Rethink some things. Maybe 2015 wasn't such a bad year after all.
I'd suggest, if, like me, you're trying to get exposure for you stories, you contact OneBookTwo and see if they will review your book. If it's good enough, you might even get an award for it.
As for me, I think it's gonna be a Lincoln day.




  1. Congrats on the award and the great write up! Junior Inquisitor went to the top of my TBR list and I started it last night, and I totally agree with OneBookTwo -- great character and well-told story! Have a Happy Lincoln Day!

    ~ LX Cain

  2. Thank you Lexa. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Let me know what you think of it when you're done.
