Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Laurie Vincent, redhead, knows all about Crazy Ladies.

The Vampire of Rome continues to move along, the bar fight scene is complete, they are currently in the second graveyard, and things look dire. In family news, Little Girl will have a sister in 15 more days.

I'm gonna have a what?
Yes, the wife still has not deduced or been told how I came up with the name Sonya, and for that I'm glad you all kept quiet. As for bringing in another Farish girl into the world, all I can say is, “Hang on everyone it's gonna be interesting.”

Since I brought up the subject of redheaded women, Let me introduce Laurie Vincent, who happens to be a redhead, and writes hilarious women centered fiction. She had recently released her follow up to Crazy Ladies, titled appropriately, Crazy Ladies Part Two.

Take it away Laurie-

Crazy Ladies Part Two
CRAZY LADIES - PART TWO is the second half and conclusion of the sexy and hilarious mystery that pits three snarky women at a Minneapolis investment firm. A missing person, blackmail, kidnapping, revenge and even murder just might keep them apart from their frequent (but always entertaining) cat fights!

The story picks up six months after the end of CRAZY LADIES - PART ONE, where strange happenings began to occur after the arrival of Mike, the hot new manager. Things get even wilder as the crazy ladies take on a whole lot of BAD!
Crazy Ladies Part Two
Suzy is trying to locate her old boss, who suddenly disappeared after recognizing two new advisors he previously worked with at a firm that had been destroyed by scandal who do not want him to remember. If that weren't bad enough, she has to contend with separating some temperamental sales assistants from baring claws and fangs. Whip and chair, please!

Angie stumbles upon the dark secrets of a few people where the situation grows worse, and even deadly. If only she can turn on her filter and keep her wisecracking mouth shut!

Rebecca yearns for a future with one of the advisors, but is confused and then frightened by the strange relationship he has with his clients. She doesn't get along well with other women, but fortunately has her outrageous gay best friend Travis and his equally vocal partner Lionel to turn to for advice.
Crazy Ladies Part Two
Skeletons that were supposed to remain buried come back to haunt. When managing the wealth of people in high places is at risk, you learn that Silence is Golden or become a Dead Man Walking!

Filled with quirky characters, bitchy retorts and plenty of spice as the suspense unravels -- along with some harrowing moments -- CRAZY LADIES - PART TWO wraps up the sexy mystery with humor!

Crazy Ladies Part Two

Author Interview

Twitter - @mnnovelette

Can you tell us a little about your new book, CRAZY LADIES – PART TWO, and what inspired you to write it?

CRAZY LADIES – PART TWO wraps up a book that I have actually been writing for many years, and is based on personalities I’ve known in the investment advisory world. Even before the huge scandal years ago about Bernie Madoff and the scam he lured investors into, I had seen many instances where con artists in my industry have gotten creative in deceiving their unwitting victims. That has always intrigued me. Of course, the mystery is merely the background and is the “glue” that holds the story together about three female sales assistants with different (not to mention zany) personalities who work in the same office and frequently clash with each other. There is a definite audience out there of people who enjoy a good cat fight between two highly-spirited women (think “The Real Housewives” TV iterations or even other reality TV “unscripted” programs). A lot of the humor in my two books (Parts One and Two) are from the zingers that fly back and forth. I counter the dark and devious activities of greedy, cutthroat characters with the levity of some pretty far-out ones. I mix up the drama with some over-the-top situations, too. So there you have it: a blend of skeletons in the closet, blackmail and murder with female rivalry and wacky behavior.

Tell us a little about your three main characters, as well as their strengths and weaknesses?

All three women – Suzy, Angie and Rebecca – are actually parts of me. Suzy is the hard-working, “can-do” girl, but also a bit of a “softie” who wants to help others; Angie is the feisty one who can toss out the bitchy retorts, but that just hides her fragile soul; and Rebecca is the eternal romantic who is enchanted with older men, but who is also drawn to eccentric personalities and feels quite comfortable around them. Of course, I had to add other things to make them stand apart, but overall, these are strong women who are determined to uncover the truth, even at the risk of putting themselves in peril.

What inspires you to write?

I think all writers need a colorful imagination and the ability to see story possibilities in things they come across, whether they are real-life events, things they read about in the media or see in movies and television. The best stories told are based on personal experience, because that author has some valuable insight to share and therefore can add his or her own spice to the formula. I drew upon real people for CRAZY LADIES, including some of the hilarious things I’ve heard spoken over the years (I am a fanatic about jotting down the best ones). For other stories, I can get an idea from watching an old movie and taking just a simple concept from it and spin it into its own story. All writers feel compelled, to a large degree, to channel those creative energies into a story – it’s the way we are wired.

You have also written some erotica. Which genre to you prefer?

I think all stories have elements of different genres. I don’t believe mine falls in one category. I enjoy writing about the connection between the main characters, whether it be emotional or physical. Even when I wrote SINFULLY GOOD, I needed to blend suspense into the background so I could take a series of mysterious events and tie them together before the end of the book. I did that as well with CRAZY LADIES, though it has more comedy and mystery and less sex. So my preference is suspense first, and a combination of other elements second.

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

I am a project manager working for a large financial institution that is based in the Pacific Northwest, so I do travel quite a bit from my home city of Minneapolis. I work on large-scale projects for my company that range from implementing a new business application, working on a regulatory initiative or converting the business of another company we’ve acquired onto our system. I typically work on two or three large projects at a time, so I keep plenty busy, and as a result, have to really organize my schedule so I have time to write. I work with many older alpha males, and have come to love them. Some can come across as harsh and tough, but honestly, once you get to know one, you find a “softie” is in there with a fierce desire to protect and support you. I think they’ve also helped me develop a thicker skin at times. LOL.

What are you writing next and when might it be available?

I am framing up a story that is definitely in the erotic suspense category. I haven’t completely worked it out, so I’d say it would be too premature to discuss it. Suffice it to say it will probably be more like SINFULLY GOOD and less like CRAZY LADIES.

Not only is Laurie a real sweetheart, so no creepy posts guys, that shit's just not cool, but she can tell a great story. Give her books a gander, it'll be worth it.
Twitter - @mnnovelette


You know what else is worth it?
My books, and I have a growing family to support.
In anticipation of the newest Farish, Junior Inquisitor is just 99 cents. But not for much longer. Click and enjoy my friends,
click and enjoy.
Junior Inquisitor Book One
Inquisitor Series -

Soulless Monk Book Two
 Smashwords -
Inquisitor Series -

The Witch’s Lair Book Three
Smashwords - 
 Inquisitor Series -

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I really enjoyed the interview, Laurie. How on earth do you find time to do all that you do? You're simply amazing!I'm so looking forward to reading Crazy Ladies.
