Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Clarissa Johal explains why searching a spooky island is a bad idea, and Red Sonya Farish is almost here

The Witch's Lair is out!

Paperback copies have arrived, and that is a nice feeling. Three 5 star ratings so far, as well as lots of people grabbing a copy, so I am rather pleased. I've been accepted as a member of the Horror Writers Association, and thinking I should attend their next convention. Still await the arrival of #2. Another girl. As the lovely Dr. Farish is a redhead, does not read Conan, and the newest Farish could also be a redhead, I suggested Sonya. Chain mail onesie is on order. Not living the Castle life just yet, but I am getting there.

Today we have another horror writer, Clarissa Johal, who is here to give us all the details on her book The Island and why exploring a spooky island is best left to professionals or Scooby and the gang.

Exploring a remote island can sometimes get you into trouble.

Especially when you stumble upon a cave and awaken two demons.”


Rumors and superstition.

That’s what Emma thinks about local gossip concerning her grandmother’s “cursed” private island. Emma journeys to the island to ready it for sale. While out exploring, she unearths a hidden cave–a cave which holds answers to the island’s dark past.

There may be more to the rumors than she thought.

Excerpt from THE ISLAND:

She was jarred awake by a cry. The vestiges of her nightmare dissipated as she orientated herself. Nightmare. Emma let out a sigh of relief. The cry sounded again. A distant sound, high and wailing. A baby’s cry. Her heart quickened. Good god, surely that can’t be a baby?

The fire in the stove had burned down, its embers lending a glow to the living room. Emma looked out the front window. The yard was still. She unlocked the door and opened it a crack. The cry drifted in with the breeze, faint but unmistakable. She ran through her mind what possible bird or animal could make the sound and came up with nothing. Characteristically, the island was blanketed with silence, almost like a vacuum. She stood, uncertain. After several minutes, the sound started again—the unmistakable high wail of a baby. She slipped on her boots and parka.

Fog trailed like cobwebs in her wake. The mournful cry threaded through the trees and came from the direction of the house ruins. In spite of a growing anxiety at what she’d find, she quickened her pace. If that is a baby, it’s still alive, and I need to get to it. If it’s not a baby… She blocked out the possibilities of what else it could be.

She approached the ruins and the sound stopped. Her heart raced. I know it was coming from here. The area held an unnatural heaviness. A branch cracked behind her and she turned with a start. Something dark darted through the trees.

Hello?” Her voice sounded muffled in the fog. Emma’s attention snapped to the left. The dark figure ducked out of sight. She took one step backward, and fled.

Heavy footsteps echoed from behind as she plunged through the trees. They were catching up with her. Emma pushed herself to run faster, terrified she’d lose her footing on the uneven ground. The cabin loomed large, a haven in the thick fog. Stumbling across the cabin’s porch, she hurdled through the door and slammed it shut, locking it.

Emma rooted her feet to keep from running around in circles. Straining to hear, she was greeted with eerie silence. Several moments passed before the baby’s cry started again. And this time, it sounded from right outside the door.

Praise for THE ISLAND

A Bookaholic’s Fix: Feeding the Addiction “…simply brilliant…I loved how the suspense built throughout…I liked the fact that I never knew what to expect next. If it had been a movie, I would have chewed my nails down to the quick. As it was, I couldn’t put my Kindle down.”

Us Girls & A Book “It was an AWESOME book! I absolutely loved it! I would give it more than 5 stars if I could. This book gripped me right from the beginning. The suspense kept the pages turning. I couldn't put it down! This is the first I have read by this author, but it definitely will not be the last.”

Tammy’s Tea Time “I was left on the edge of my seat not willing to put my Nook down until I could know how it all would end.”

About the Author:

Clarissa Johal is the author of paranormal novels, THE ISLAND, VOICES, STRUCK, and BETWEEN. When she’s not listening to the ghosts in her head, she’s dancing, taking pictures of gargoyles, or swinging from a trapeze. She shares her life with her husband, two daughters, and every stray animal that darkens their doorstep.

Find Clarissa Online:

Wanna help me buy that chain mail onesie for Sonya?

Junior Inquisitor Book One

Soulless Monk Book Two
Smashwords -
Inquisitor Series -

The Witch’s Lair Book Three
Smashwords - 
 Inquisitor Series -


  1. Thanks for hosting THE ISLAND in your blog!

  2. Happy to have you here. You class the place up.

  3. She does :>). Nice cover on Witch's Lair though, Farish. Just stopping in as a fan of Clarissa Johal's and this book especially.
