Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mary Burton King gives us revenge from the grave.

Book number four continues to be developed. Despite distractions like my lack of a helper dog, life, a shortage of bourbon, the internet, lying groundhogs and their forecasts about an end to winter, I persevere in my attempts to give you another great story. Today I continue to present real horror authors, and today we have Mary Burton King who used to work for the Navy as an NCIS agent. So yes, she knows murder. She going to regal us with stories of Voodoo, murder, possession, and revenge from the grave. Without further ado, let me present Mary's latest book, The Dark Entity.

About The Book

On a cold winter’s night at a federal prison in East Texas, sixty-one year old Beatrice Belladonna Harlow, a sociopath, voodoo priestess, and convicted black widow serial killer on death row, is brutality murdered in her cell by two prison guards and her body secretly buried in the prison’s cemetery.

Beatrice’s murder initiated an eerie and dark chain of events. In life she was a voodoo priestess, therefore she will live forever, that is her bestowed legacy. Yes, this voodoo priestess will indeed live forever, but not in her fleshy, earthly body, but as a spirit, an entity. Beatrice’s legacy is dependent upon one thing, another living human being - a host. Immediately upon death, her entity must enter the body of her chosen host. Thereafter, that unfortunate soul no longer has control of their thoughts or actions. And if that isn’t bad enough, a shocking physical metamorphosis takes place.

Years earlier, while sitting on death row awaiting her execution, Beatrice used her time wisely. She had nothing but time, therefore she spent countless hours planning every detail of her afterlife. She chose as her host her estranged, thankless, thirty-three year old adopted daughter, Lola Marie.

Thus, the night Beatrice was killed Lola Marie was awakened from a deep sleep by a very bright yellow light floating over her bed. This bright yellow light was her mother’s spirit. In utter horror and unable to prevent what happened next, she watched that bizarre, bright yellow light enter her body. At first Lola Marie thought she was dreaming, but that was not the case. Her mother’s dark entity had just entered and taken control of her mind and soul. She was now possessed.

In the blink of an eye, Lola Marie unwillingly became her deceased mother’s evil puppet and is forced to perform bloody, vengeful, heinous acts for her – even murder. To ensure her daughter’s compliance, Beatrice uses an extremely painful but unique control mechanism, a tattoo. Lola Marie quickly finds herself trapped in her dead mother’s evil web with little hope of escape. Against all odds, can she find a way to free herself from her dead mother’s voodoo clutches? And if so, at what costs to her?

With a plot full of unexpected twists and turns, this high energy, action packed, paranormal thriller will undoubtedly leave the reader spellbound and craving for more! 

Excerpt from The DARK ENTITY:

(Chapter 8, Truth & Consequences)

The two girls stood at the front door of the cabin and looked around for a couple of minutes. What they saw was eerily frightening. The cabin was one huge living space with no walls and virtually no furniture, only a dirty cot located against the wall in the right far corner of the room. And on the opposite side of the living quarters, a four-chair dining table with only two chairs that sat next to a smut-black potbellied stove. As far as the kitchen area, it consisted of a wooden counter affixed atop five dilapidated wooden cabinets, a large sink in the middle of the counter, and an older model, dingy olive colored refrigerator shoved into the corner next to the wall. Lola Marie’s gut told her there was something terribly wrong and she should leave; however she ignored her instincts and stayed a little longer – too long. 

But the most disturbing thing that caught both their eyes right off was the six sets of wrists shackles. These shackles were affixed to the far left wall, and a large white plastic bucket with a metal handle was strategically placed on the floor in the middle of the line of shackles. Presumably, the plastic bucket was used as a toilet.

That wasn’t the end of the horror. The cabin was disgustingly filthy! There were dozens of dead cockroaches lying feet up all over the floor, especially in the kitchen area, and there were hundreds of rat droppings all through the house. And the cabin stunk. It smelled like feces and urine. Her vacation home not only looked like an outhouse on the exterior, the interior smelled like one as well.

Lola Marie suddenly realized that her vacation house was actually a holding area for victims of human trafficking. A huge red light went off inside her head, and she turned to Pia and whispered, “This is a horrible place. Let’s get out of here pronto!”

Just as those words left her lips, a familiar male voice behind her said, “I don’t think so, girlies. You two aren’t going anywhere. It is so nice to see you again, Little Ms. Gold Digger. Forgive me, I mean, Lola Marie.”

About The Author

Author Mary Burton King has written and published five fictional novels, including the bestselling thriller, Beatrice Belladonna’s Black Magic Web. Her latest novel, The Dark Entity, is a stand alone paranormal thriller that continues the saga of Beatrice Belladonna after her death.

King has proven herself as a noteworthy author who consistently produces the type of novels that the reader simply can not put down until the very last page is read. She uses her education and over twenty years of law enforcement experience to her advantage by including in each novel criminal investigative procedures and techniques.

She earned a masters degree in Forensic Science from George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and is a former Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Additionally, King retired from the United States Navy after serving twenty one years on active duty.

Author Mary Burton King was born and grew up in East Texas, but now resides in Pataskala, Ohio. She is currently writing her next novel, Murder& Mayhem, which is a collection of short stories and anticipates publication in the fall of 2016. 

Questions& Answers

1) In your novel, The DARK ENTITY, what is/are the Main Characters’ motivations?

There are two main characters, sixty one year old, convicted murderer and voodoo priestess Beatrice Belladonna Harlow, and her thirty three year old adopted daughter, Lola Marie. 

While incarcerated in an East Texas federal prison, Beatrice was brutality raped and murdered in her cell by two prison guards. But she had no intention of going softly into the night. Beatrice claimed that since she was a voodoo priestess, she would never die. Her legacy was to live forever as a spirit, an entity. However, she needed a host – a living human being in which her entity could reside. For this, she chose her daughter, Lola Marie.

Lola Marie unwillingly became her adopted mother’s evil puppet. Beatrice’s entity seized control of her mind and body. Also, Lola Marie’s physical appearance changed dramatically as soon as Beatrice’s spirit entered her – she now looked exactly like Beatrice when she was her age - thirty three years old.

Beatrice uses an extremely unique control mechanism on Lola Marie, a tattoo. The same tattoo she had on her lower right arm - a very large “BELLADONNA” tattoo. If Lola Marie didn’t precisely follow Beatrice’s instructions, the tattoo swelled up, turned beet red, stung like a bee sting, and oozed green slim. For Lola Marie, the pain was excruciating.

Lola Marie’s motivation was to find some way to rid Beatrice’s spirit from her body.

2) What are their secret strengths/weaknesses?

Being undead, Beatrice has all the strengths and virtually no weaknesses. She does what she wants to do to whomever she set her sites upon and there is no stopping her. Lola Marie on the other hand, has no strengths, only weaknesses. She is a mere tool. A tool her mother uses for evil purposes, such as murder, vengeful murder.

3) Are there any philosophical issues in this story? If so, how do you address them and how does the main character overcome them?

There aren’t really any philosophical issues in this story unless maybe the complete control Beatrice has over her daughter, Lola Marie. Beatrice is the schoolyard bully who always wins each and every fight. Lola Marie is the skinny little runt who she beats up every day for their lunch money. 

4) Any offbeat, obscure, or 80’s references?

There is only one thing worth mentioning. Beatrice insists on collecting souvenirs from her murdered victims. The souvenirs she instructs Lola Marie to collect are body parts. 

5) When did you start to write this novel and why?

It takes me about a year to write each novel and about three months for publishing. So, I started writing The DARK ENTITY last spring. I wanted to produce a stand alone, follow up novel to Beatrice Belladonna’s BLACK MAGIC WEB. 

Beatrice’s story begins in Louisiana in 1949, and ends with her death in 2012. As it turned out, readers were upset she died. I was quiet surprised. Beatrice was an evil person, but readers felt empathy toward her. I suppose that is because of her horribly abusive childhood. It was only fitting that I continue her saga after her death.

6) What's next?

I left the door open for another Beatrice novel however my next project is a book which contains a collection of short stories. It is titled MURDER & MAYHEM and should be completed late this year.

7) Preview of your next book?

I have only just begun writing it but have included a copy of the cover. The stories I have chosen for this novel are a collection of tales from my prior (4) novels; Fool Me Once…, Fool Me Once…Final Resolution, Beatrice Belladonna’s BLACK MAGIC WEB, and The DARK ENTITY. Only the creepiest, most bizarre, obscene, and truly entertaining stories will be plucked and transplanted into MURDER & MAYHEM.

8) When will it be available?

Expect MURDER & MAYHEM to be on the market in about a year. 
Thank you very much Mary. Once you've read her tales, how about giving mine a read? Pretty sure you'll enjoy them. And I need to restock on bourbon. Again.
Junior Inquisitor Book One

Soulless Monk Book Two
Smashwords -
Inquisitor Series -

The Witch’s Lair Book Three
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 Inquisitor Series -

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