Junior Inquisitor

Junior Inquisitor

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Book Review

Call for Obstruction (The Courier Trilogy 1) 

by Wendy Jean Howard probably took me two days to read, sadly it usually takes me two or three times as long to write a review. When it comes to typing, I’m faster than a sloth, but not by much. Wendy’s story is a very fast read, which I rather enjoyed. Unique, well-crafted characters, and an interesting plot. I can see why it won the Textnovel Writing Contest. If there were any grammatical errors or layout issues (the bane of reading Indie books) I did not see them.
The basic plot, with-out much in the way of spoilers, is Barry, down on his luck, accepts a job he shouldn’t and gets dragged deeper and deeper into a supernatural war. Bad part is that he’s NOT on the side of angels, and if the bad guys win Barry has helped bring about hell on earth.  

I liked it, I bet you will as well.

You can find it here https://www.amazon.com/Call-Obstruction-Courier-Trilogy-1-ebook/dp/B01LK5CCHM/

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Now back to the important stuff, my books.

Yes, I am working on a new one.
Yes, I will finish it someday.
No, I'm not sure when.
No, I will not give spoilers.
Until then, if you haven't read my other books, try those first.

Ears burning?
Demons whispering madness?
Block the crazy with Junior Inquisitor, now an audio book
Junior Inquisitor Audible
Want to read the old fashioned way?
Click on the links and enjoy.
Junior Inquisitor Book One  

Soulless Monk Book Two  
 Smashwords https://goo.gl/NXw3Gr
Inquisitor Series http://goo.gl/5lCyaX
The Witch’s Lair Book Three 
Smashwords - https://goo.gl/MokJnC 
 Inquisitor Series http://goo.gl/mJtTf8 
The Vampire of Rome Book Four
Smashwords The Vampire of Rome

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